Performance Shot for Men Chicago

Improve sensation, drive, and pleasure for better sex in Chicago, Illinois
  • Downtime

    No downtime

  • Pain Level


  • Treatment Time

    45 minutes

Sex can be the source of some of the greatest pleasures in life, or some of the worst frustrations. Enter the: Performance Shot.

The Performance Shot is a natural male enhancement method. It utilizes your body’s own powerful growth factors to enlarge the penis and improve sexual performance. It's a low-risk, allergen-free and completely natural because it is autologous (which means it is developed in your own body).

If you would like to learn more about the Performance Shot in West Loop, Wicker Park and Streeterville, then read on. Alternatively, you can contact our holistic med spa.

The Priapus Shot "Performance Shot" was named after Priapus, the Greek god of fertility. This unique treatment utilizes PRP, platelet-rich plasma, in order to enhance the appearance and function of the penis. PRP can be found in your blood. It is full of growth factors to stimulate healing and growth, resulting in super-healthy tissue, penis enlargement, and improved penile function.

The Performance Shot was conceived to improve length and girth of the penis while also enhancing sexual stimulation and performance for men.

Here’s what you can expect from your procedure in our office:

  1. First and foremost, blood is drawn from the arm.
  2. Next, your blood is processed in a lab, where the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is taken from the blood and concentrated.
  3. Before your treatment, a numbing cream is administered to make the injections comfortable.
  4. Finally, the PRP is injected into cavernous areas of the penis (which are known affect penile size and function).
  5. This process is repeated every 6-8 weeks for a total of 3 times for best results.

This quick process is worth it, because results may last 18 months or longer. Furthermore, patients can expect to experience minimal, if any, bruising or redness.


Low Libido | Size | Effectiveness | Sensitivity

Treatment Pricing

At Ellehomme Holistic Med Spa, our Performance Shot for Men treatment is charged per injection. Don't miss our online exclusive offers and packages for savings on Performance Shots, Semaglutide Weight Loss Injections, and other aesthetic procedures. 


Treatable Concerns

  • Erectile Dysfunction

    Half of all men between the ages of 35 and 65 have some issue with erectile dysfunction or similar complications. In these situations, the Performance Shot is a perfect solution.

  • Past or Present Prostate Conditions

    Erectile function may suffer due to prostate issues and other medical conditions. Circumstances that may cause prostate conditions include diabetes and hypertension, among others. Fortunately, these men are also great candidates for the Performance Shot.

  • Trouble with Oral Medications

    If Viagra and similar medications are not giving you the results you want, then you might consider the Performance Shot. The shot can increase the effectiveness of these medications or replace them altogether.

  • Peronie's Disease

    Significant curvature in the penis may cause extreme pain and result in an unsatisfying sex life. The PRP Priapus Shot can dramatically improve both the shape and functionality of the penis.

  • Diabetes

    Diabetes can cause a variety of ailments in men, one of the most common is erectile dysfunction. Your blood sugar plays a direct role in your ability to maintain an erection and transport your blood where it’s needed. With PRP shots in combination with moderated sugar intake, you can treat Erectile Dysfunction.

Pre- & Post-Treatment Tips

  • Avoid alcoholic beverages the night before your appointment. It can make skin more susceptible to bruising.

  • It's best to avoid aspirin and NSAIDs (Advil, Motrin, Aleve) for a week before your treatment to help reduce bruising.

  • If taken pre-treatment, Arnica and Bromelain can help reduce post-treatment swelling and bruising. You can also take Tylenol.

  • After the Performance Shot, you can immediately resume normal activities, including working out and sexual activities.


What are the benefits of the Performance Shot?

The Performance Shot does not require any surgery or downtime, and it produces the following benefits:

  • Natural penis enlargement
  • More blood flow to the penis
  • Healthier erectile function
  • Better quality of erections
  • More sensation and pleasure
  • A stronger and straighter penis
  • Healthier and more youthful skin
  • New blood vessel formation
  • Improvement of damage caused by diabetes
  • Greater effect of other erectile medications like Viagra and Cialis
  • Better sex life for men after prostate surgery, even after prostatectomy
What's the deal with PRP?

Not only is PRP used for the Performance Shot in West Loop, Wicker Park and Streeterville, but it has also been proven effective in various areas of medicine.

Platelet-rich plasma accelerates the healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints. PRP is used for facial rejuvenation, buttocks enhancement, lip augmentation and more.

PRP is even used to treat hair loss. In fact, one study showed that PRP performed much better for curing hair loss than Rogaine.

Am I a candidate?

An ideal candidate is any male who is seeking a better sex life, enhanced performance and greater size. In addition, PRP can help men with erectile dysfunction, prostate conditions, trouble with oral medications and more.

If you are interested in the Performance Shot in Streeterville, West Loop or Wicker Park, you can schedule a consultation at ElleHomme Holistic Med Spa. During your free consultation, we can determine if you are a good candidate for treatment.

How soon will I see results?

Results are almost immediate. Some men report improved sexual performance immediately after the procedure. Penile growth, on the other hand, usually takes up to a few weeks.

Is the Performance Shot painful?

Before treatment, a local anesthetic will be applied to ensure a comfortable procedure.

How much size enhancement comes from the Performance Shot?

Many men report an increase of 2- 3 inches in size and girth after about 3 weeks.