Wrinkle Relaxers Chicago

Revitalize your skin with natural looking results In Chicago, Illinois.
  • Downtime

    No downtime

  • Pain Level


  • Treatment Time

    30 minutes

Reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles for a smoother, more refreshed look.

Learn more about our collection of wrinkle relaxers in Chicago, Illinois by clicking on the images below.

Pre- & Post-Treatment Tips

  • If you wear makeup to your appointment, we'll need to remove it before your treatment in order to get a clean canvas.

  • Nervous for your first time? Bring a friend! Planning a date day for your wrinkle relaxing treatment makes your experience twice as fun.

  • Be sure to have your daily workout before your treatment, since we don't recommend any exercise for 24 hours afterwards.

  • You can get right back to work after your treatment, but we recommend leaving yourself an hour of time to avoid being stressed or rushed.

  • You are not a candidate for these injections if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

  • Avoid lying down (or doing a downward dog) for 4 hours after your procedure.

  • Avoid facials and facial muscle manipulation for two weeks following treatment.


How Do Wrinkle Relaxers Work?

Beneath every wrinkle is a muscle nerve. Neuromodulators work by blocking the muscle nerve's signals that control its impulses. Injecting small doses of neuromodulators allows the facial muscles to relax, minimizing the look of wrinkles and giving you that smoother, softer look you're after.

What Can I Expect at My Treatment?

At your appointment, your doctor may apply a topical anesthetic on the affected area. Next, your provider will administer a few quick injections. Within minutes, you’ll be on your way.

Wrinkle relaxing treatment generally takes 10-15 minutes, and you can go back to work immediately after the appointment. Most patients begin to see results within a few days after injection, but the final outcome will continue to develop for 1-2 weeks.

Is Treatment Right for me?

Healthy men and women with dynamic facial wrinkles are good candidates for wrinkle relaxing treatments; however, if you have deeply-etched wrinkles, wrinkle relaxers might not be right for you.

Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning to become pregnant should wait to get these injectors. Individuals with neuromuscular disorders such as ALS or Lambert-Eaton syndrome are not good candidates for treatment.

During your consultation, your injector will ask you about any allergies, current medications etc. We will make sure that our wrinkle relaxing treatments are safe and appropriate for you.

What Should I Avoid After Treatment?

After your treatment: No lying down for 4 hours; no exercise/working out for 24 hours; no facials for 1 week.

Can I Go Back To Work After My Treatment?

You sure can! The great thing about this treatment is there's virtually no downtime. You might have small red bumps that look like bug bites at first, but they usually go away within the hour and you can waltz back into work with no one the wiser.

When Will I See Results?

Noticeable results should appear around 3 to 5 days. Skin starts to feel tighter; you should see less movement and wrinkling in the injected areas. It can take up to 2 weeks to see the full results. If you have static lines & wrinkles, they may begin to lessen over time and with repeated treatments.

How Long Will My Results Last?

Just like everyone’s hair grows at its own pace, everyone's results last for different lengths of time. But typically, you can expect results to last 3-4 months.